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Receiving cross chain messages

To receive ISMP messages a contract must implement the IIsmpModule interface, this interface allows the IIsmpHost to dispatch verified cross chain messages to the contract for execution.

The required methods for the IIsmpModule is described in detail below:


This is the callback method for new POST requests that have been verified by Hyperbridge. After the IHandler verifies the necessary proofs of this request, they are passed on to the host, which in turn calls the onAccept method for the intended modules. The arguments provided IncomingPostRequest holds both the request object itself and the account that initally called the Handler contract, this may be either a 3rd party relayer or a user who is self-relaying.

IIsmpModule's should ensure that is method is only callable by the host or risk critical vulnerabilies from unauthorized calls to this method by malicious actors. A modifier onlyHost is provided as part of the BaseIsmpModule for this.


In the event that some initially dispatched request was unable to be delivered. Whether as a result of insufficient fees provided to the relayers, Or a revert during request execution on the destination chain. Then Hyperbridge allows this request to gracefully timeout, and this timeout can be reported back to the sending module on the source chain.

This callback is provided as a way to execute some logic in the event that some request times out. This can be seen as a catch block in a try/catch for cross-chain messages. Typically you'll want to revert any state changes that were made prior to dispatching the request.


This is the callback method for new POST responses that have been verified by Hyperbridge. After the IHandler verifies the necessary proofs of this response, they are passed on to the host, which in turn calls the onPostResponse method for the intended modules. The arguments provided IncomingPostResponse holds both the resopnse object itself and the account that initally called the Handler contract, this may be either a 3rd party relayer or a user who is self-relaying.

IIsmpModule's should ensure that is method is only callable by the host or risk critical vulnerabilies from unauthorized calls to this method by malicious actors. A modifier onlyHost is provided as part of the BaseIsmpModule for this.


In the event that some initially dispatched response was unable to be delivered. Whether as a result of insufficient fees provided to the relayers, Or a revert during response execution on the destination chain. Then Hyperbridge allows this response to gracefully timeout, and this timeout can be reported back to the sending module on the source chain.

This callback is provided as a way to execute some logic in the event that some response times out. This can be seen as a catch block in a try/catch for cross-chain messages. Typically you'll want to revert any state changes that were made prior to dispatching the response.


This is the callback method for new GET responses that have been verified by Hyperbridge. After the IHandler verifies the necessary proofs of this response, they are passed on to the host, which in turn calls the onGetResponse method for the intended modules. The arguments provided IncomingGetResponse holds both the resopnse object itself and the account that initally called the Handler contract, this may be either a 3rd party relayer or a user who is self-relaying.

IIsmpModule's should ensure that is method is only callable by the host or risk critical vulnerabilies from unauthorized calls to this method by malicious actors. A modifier onlyHost is provided as part of the BaseIsmpModule for this.


In the event that some GET request is unable to be processed. Likely as a result of insufficient fees provided. Then Hyperbridge allows this request to gracefully timeout, and this timeout can be reported back to the sending module on the source chain.

This callback is provided as a way to execute some logic in the event that some request times out. This can be seen as a catch block in a try/catch for cross-chain messages. Typically you'll want to revert any state changes that were made prior to dispatching the request.

Example IIsmpModule

pragma solidity 0.8.17;
import "@polytope-labs/ismp-solidity/interfaces/IIsmpModule.sol";
import "@polytope-labs/ismp-solidity/interfaces/IDispatcher.sol";
import "@polytope-labs/ismp-solidity/interfaces/Message.sol";
import "@polytope-labs/ismp-solidity/interfaces/IDispatcher.sol";
contract Example is BaseIsmpModule {
    event PostReceived();
    event PostResponseReceived();
    event PostTimeoutReceived();
    event PostResponseTimeoutReceived();
    event GetResponseReceived();
    event GetTimeoutReceived();
    error NotAuthorized();
    // EvmHost Address
    address private _host;
    constructor(address ismpHost) {
        _host = ismpHost;
    function host() public view override returns (address) {
        return _host
    function sendMessage(
        bytes memory message,
        uint64 timeout,
        address to,
        uint256 relayerFee
    ) public payable returns (bytes32) {
        DispatchPost memory post = DispatchPost({
            body: message,
            dest: StateMachine.arbitrum(),
            timeout: timeout,
            to: abi.encodePacked(to),
            fee: relayerFee,
            payer: tx.origin
        return IDispatcher(host).dispatch{value: msg.value}(post);
    function onAccept(IncomingPostRequest memory incoming)
        // decode request body
        // make any necessary state changes
        emit PostReceived();
    function onPostRequestTimeout(PostRequest memory request)
        // revert any state changes made
        // when post request was dispatched
        emit PostTimeoutReceived();
    function onPostResponse(IncomingPostResponse memory)
        // decode response
        // make any necessary state changes
        emit PostResponseReceived();
    function onPostResponseTimeout(PostResponse memory)
        // revert any state changes made
        // when post response was dispatched
        emit PostResponseTimeoutReceived();
    function onGetResponse(IncomingGetResponse memory)
        emit GetResponseReceived();
    function onGetTimeout(GetRequest memory)
        // revert any state changes
        // made when get request was dispatched
        emit GetTimeoutReceived();

Security Considerations

  • Limit the caller of these functions to the IIsmpHost contract only. This prevents unauthorized messages from being executed.