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ISMP Solidity

ISMP Solidity is the implementation of the Interoperable State Machine Protocol for EVM execution environments. It provides EVM smart contracts with the necessary interfaces to send and receive messages securely through the Hyperbridge Nexus. Let's dive into it's different components:


The EvmHost contract, implementing the IsmpHost interface, is a stateful module responsible for all protocol storage needs. It functions as a store for consensus states, state machine commitments, request/response commitments and receipts. Additionally, it implements the IsmpDispatcher interface, providing methods for contracts to dispatch requests and responses to the Hyperbridge Nexus.


The Handler contract, which implements IHandler interface, is stateless contract responsible for handling consensus and state proof verifications for all ISMP messages. Upon successful verification, it delegates state persistence and dispatch to the EvmHost contract.

This decoupled design of the Handler from the Host allows independent upgrades to verification mechanisms without impacting the core protocol, enabling future adoption of more efficient consensus and state verification methods with no changes to the protocol or dependent contracts.

In the next section we'll look into hands-on examples of how to send and receive messages using ISMP.

Going cross-chain with ISMP

This guide explores the two fundamental functionalities of ISMP for cross-chain applications: dispatching messages and receiving messages. We'll look into each aspect in the following sections. Sending cross chain messages is a single step process that involves calling the dispatch function on the EvmHost.

Post Requests

A post request dispatch has the following fields:

// An object for dispatching post requests to the IsmpDispatcher
struct DispatchPost {
    // bytes representation of the destination state machine
    bytes dest;
    // the destination module
    bytes to;
    // the request body
    bytes body;
    // timeout for this request in seconds
    uint64 timeout;
    // the amount put up to be paid to the relayer, this is in $DAI and charged to tx.origin
    uint256 fee;
    // who pays for this request?
    address payer;

Dispatch Parameters:

  • dest: Destination chain (e.g., StateMachine.arbitrum()).
  • to: Receiving contract address on the destination chain.
  • body: Opaque byte representation of the message (decoded by the receiving contract).
  • timeout: Relative time in seconds for message validity. Messages exceeding this timeout cannot be processed on the destination and require user action (timeout message) to revert changes.
  • fee: Optional relayer incentive (zero for self-relay).
  • payer: The account that should receive a refund of the relayer fees if the request times out.
// _host is variable that contains the EvmHost contract address
function send_message(bytes memory message, uint64 timeout, address to, uint256 relayerFee) public returns (bytes32) {
    uint256 perByteFee = IIsmpHost(_host).perByteFee();
    address feeToken = IIsmpHost(_host).feeToken();
    uint256 fee = (perByteFee * message.length) + relayerFee;
    // Withdraw protocol and relayer fee from sender
    IERC20(feeToken).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), fee);
    // Approve the host to withdraw the fee from the contract
    IERC20(feeToken).approve(_host, fee);
    DispatchPost memory post = DispatchPost({
        body: message,
        dest: StateMachine.arbitrum(),
        timeout: timeout,
        to: abi.encodePacked(to),
        fee: relayerFee,
        payer: tx.origin
    return IDispatcher(_host).dispatch(post);

Post Responses

Dispatching a post response requires that the contract has received a post request from a counterparty chain in a previous transaction. A post response dispatch has the following fields:

// An object for dispatching post responses to the IsmpDispatcher
struct DispatchPostResponse {
    // The request that initiated this response
    PostRequest request;
    // bytes for post response
    bytes response;
    // timeout for this response in seconds
    uint64 timeout;
    // the amount put up to be paid to the relayer, this is in $DAI and charged to tx.origin
    uint256 fee;
    // who pays for this request?
    address payer;

Dispatch Parameters:

  • request: The request that was previously received.
  • response: Opaque byte representation of the response message (decoded by the receiving contract).
  • timeout: Relative time in seconds for message validity. Messages exceeding this timeout cannot be processed on the destination and require user action (timeout message) to revert changes.
  • fee: Optional relayer incentive (zero for self-relay).
  • payer: The account that should receive a refund of the relayer fees if the request times out.
// _host is variable that contains the EvmHost contract address
function send_message(PostRequest memory request, bytes memory response, uint64 timeout, uint256 relayerFee) public returns (bytes32) {
    uint256 perByteFee = IIsmpHost(_host).perByteFee();
    address feeToken = IIsmpHost(_host).feeToken();
    uint256 fee = (perByteFee * response.length) + relayerFee;
    // Withdraw protocol and relayer fee from sender
    IERC20(feeToken).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), fee);
    // Approve the host to withdraw the fee from the contract
    IERC20(feeToken).approve(_host, fee);
    DispatchPostResponse memory postResponse = DispatchPostResponse({
        request: request,
        response: response,
        timeout: timeout,
        fee: relayerFee,
        payer: tx.origin
    return IDispatcher(_host).dispatch(postResponse);

Dispatching Get Requests

Get requests allow contracts to perform asynchronous reads of a counterparty blockchain's state. When dispatching get requests, you specify the storage keys you need to read and the block height at which you need to read these storage entries.

// An object for dispatching get requests to the IsmpDispatcher
struct DispatchGet {
    // bytes representation of the destination state machine
    bytes dest;
    // height at which to read the state machine
    uint64 height;
    // Storage keys to read
    bytes[] keys;
    // timeout for this request in seconds
    uint64 timeout;
    // The initiator of this request
    address sender;
    // Hyperbridge protocol fees for processing this request.
    uint256 fee;

Dispatch Parameters:

  • dest: The chain whose database should be read (e.g., StateMachine.arbitrum()).
  • height: Block height at which the values should be fetched.
  • keys: Storage keys whose values need to be fetched.
  • timeout: Relative time in seconds for message validity. Responses exceeding this timeout cannot be processed on the source and require user action (timeout message) to revert changes.
  • fee: Hyperbridge protocol fees for processing the request.
  • sender: The account initiating this request.
// _host is variable that contains the EvmHost contract address
function get_storage_values(bytes memory dest, bytes[] memory keys, uint64 timeout, uint256 fee, uint256 height) public returns (bytes32) {
    // Withdraw protocol fee from sender
    IERC20(feeToken).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), fee);
    // Approve the host to withdraw the fee from the contract
    IERC20(feeToken).approve(_host, fee);
    DispatchGet memory getRequest = DispatchGet({
        dest: dest,
        keys: keys
        height: height
        timeout: timeout,
        fee: fee,
        sender: tx.origin
    return IDispatcher(_host).dispatch(getRequest);

Receiving cross chain messages

To receive ISMP messages a contract needs to implement the IIsmpModule interface, this interface allows the EvmHost to dispatch verified cross chain messages to the contract for execution.

The interface for the IIsmpModule is described below:

interface IIsmpModule {
     * @dev Called by the IsmpHost to notify a module of a new request the module may choose to respond immediately, or in a later block
     * @param incoming post request
    function onAccept(IncomingPostRequest memory incoming) external;
     * @dev Called by the IsmpHost to notify a module of a post response to a previously sent out request
     * @param incoming post response
    function onPostResponse(IncomingPostResponse memory incoming) external;
     * @dev Called by the IsmpHost to notify a module of a get response to a previously sent out request
     * @param incoming get response
    function onGetResponse(IncomingGetResponse memory incoming) external;
     * @dev Called by the IsmpHost to notify a module of post requests that were previously sent but have now timed-out
     * @param request post request
    function onPostRequestTimeout(PostRequest memory request) external;
     * @dev Called by the IsmpHost to notify a module of post requests that were previously sent but have now timed-out
     * @param request post request
    function onPostResponseTimeout(PostResponse memory request) external;
     * @dev Called by the IsmpHost to notify a module of get requests that were previously sent but have now timed-out
     * @param request get request
    function onGetTimeout(GetRequest memory request) external;

A simple crosschain contract

pragma solidity 0.8.17;
import "ismp/IIsmpModule.sol";
import "ismp/IIsmpHost.sol";
import "ismp/Message.sol";
import "ismp/IDispatcher.sol";
contract Example is BaseIsmpModule {
    event PostReceived();
    event PostResponseReceived();
    event PostTimeoutReceived();
    event PostResponseTimeoutReceived();
    event GetResponseReceived();
    event GetTimeoutReceived();
    error NotAuthorized();
    // EvmHost Address
    address private host;
    constructor(address host) {
        host = host;
    // restricts call to the `IIsmpHost`
    modifier onlyIsmpHost() {
        if (msg.sender != host) {
            revert NotAuthorized();
    function send_message(bytes memory message, uint64 timeout, address to, uint256 relayerFee) public returns (bytes32) {
        uint256 perByteFee = IIsmpHost(host).perByteFee();
        address feeToken = IIsmpHost(host).feeToken();
        uint256 fee = (perByteFee * message.length) + relayerFee;
        // Withdraw protocol and relayer fee from sender
        IERC20(feeToken).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), fee);
        // Approve the host to withdraw the fee from the contract
        IERC20(feeToken).approve(host, fee);
        DispatchPost memory post = DispatchPost({
            body: message,
            dest: StateMachine.arbitrum(),
            timeout: timeout,
            to: abi.encodePacked(to),
            fee: relayerFee,
            payer: tx.origin
        return IDispatcher(host).dispatch(post);
    function onAccept(IncomingPostRequest memory incoming) external onlyIsmpHost {
        // decode request body
        // Check that decoded value can be executed successfully
        // Make state changes
        emit PostReceived();
    function onPostRequestTimeout(PostRequest memory request) external onlyIsmpHost {
        // revert any state changes made when post request was dispatched
        emit PostTimeoutReceived();
    function onPostResponse(IncomingPostResponse memory) external onlyIsmpHost {
        // decode response
        // Check that decoded value can be executed successfully
        // Make state changes
        emit PostResponseReceived();
    function onPostResponseTimeout(PostResponse memory) external onlyIsmpHost {
        // revert any state changes made when post response was dispatched
        emit PostResponseTimeoutReceived();
    function onGetResponse(IncomingGetResponse memory) external onlyIsmpHost {
        emit GetResponseReceived();
    function onGetTimeout(GetRequest memory) external onlyIsmpHost {
        // revert any state changes made when get request was dispatched
        emit GetTimeoutReceived();

Security Considerations

  • Restricted Access:

Limit the callability of these functions to the EvmHost contract only. This prevents unauthorized messages from being executed.

  • Irreversible Changes:

Since the EvmHost doesn't store receipts for failed messages, ensure irreversible state changes occur only after a message effectively meets all success criteria.
