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L2 Oracle

In the OpStack system, trusted proposers periodically submit L2 state commitments (output roots) to the L1 chain. These submissions occur at designated intervals. Anyone acting as a challenger can dispute an invalid output root. If no challenge arises within a specific timeframe, the submitted output root is considered final. This approach leverages a permissioned proposer and challenger.

L2 Output Root Construction

The output_root is a 32 byte value, which is derived based on the a versioned scheme:

payload = state_root || withdrawal_storage_root || latest_block_hash

output_root = keccak256(version_byte || payload)
  • The latest_block_hash is the block hash for the latest L2 block at the time the proposer constructed the output root.
  • The state_root is the Merkle-Patricia-Trie (MPT) root of the L2 state db.
  • The withdrawal_storage_root is the state root of the Message Passer contract storage.
  • The version_byte a simple 32 byte version string which increments anytime the construction of the output root is changed.

Verifying the Output Root

The finalization of an L1 block soft finalizes all output roots proposed up until the finalized L1 block. To verify an output root, a light client needs to verify it's existence in the state trie of the finalized L1 chain. The algorithm for doing that is described below:

type H256 = [u8; 32]
type U256 = [u64; 4];
struct OpstackProof {
	/// Actual state root of the opstack execution layer
	state_root: H256,
	/// Storage root hash of the opstack withdrawal contracts
	withdrawal_storage_root: H256,
	/// Optimism Block hash at which the values aboved were fetched
	l2_block_hash: H256,
	/// L2Oracle contract version
	version: H256,
	/// Membership Proof for the L2Oracle contract account in the ethereum world trie
	l2_oracle_proof: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
	/// Membership proof for output root in l2Outputs array
	output_root_proof: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
	/// Membership proof Timestamp and block number in the l2Outputs array
	multi_proof: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
	/// Index of the output root that needs to be proved in the l2Outputs array
	output_root_index: u64,
	/// Block number
	block_number: u64,
	/// Timestamp
	timestamp: u64,

Given the proof described above, we would verify the existence of the output root as follows:


payload: OpstackProof containing proofs and state information root: Merkle root of the L1 chain l2_oracle_address: Address of the L2 oracle contract


state_root: The verified l2 state root


  • Verify L2 Oracle Storage Root:

Use the provided proof (payload.l2_oracle_proof) and oracle address to retrieve the storage root of the l2 oracle contract from the L1 state proof.

  • Compute the Output Root:

Compute the output root as decribed in the previous section.

  • Verify Output Root Proof:

Derive the slot hash for the output root within the l2 oracle contract storage slots. Use the proof (payload.output_root_proof) and l2 oracle storage root to retrieve the value associated with the slot hash. Check if a value was found. If not, return an error indicating the proof failed verification. Decode the retrieved value as a byte array and compare it to the calculated output root. If they don't match, return an error indicating an invalid proof.

  • Verify Timestamp and Block Number:

Derive the slot hash for the block number and timestamp within the l2 oracle contract storage slots. Use the multi-proof (payload.multi_proof) and l2 oracle storage root to retrieve the value associated with the slot hash. Check if a value was found. If not, return an error indicating the proof failed verification. Decode the retrieved value as a byte array and convert it to a U256 value. Extract the timestamp (first two u64 values) and block number (last two u64 values) from the U256 value. Compare the extracted timestamp and block number with the corresponding values in the payload. If they don't match, return an error indicating an invalid proof.

If all steps complete successfully then we can accept the state_root, timestamp and block_number as valid.
