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ISMP is a request-response protocol, modeled after HTTP. A module on one state machine initiates a request which is to be executed by a counterpart module on a different state machine. After processing the request, the recipient module may optionally generate a response, which is sent back to the original sender.

The flow of an outgoing request
The flow of an outgoing request

The flow of an incoming request
The flow of an incoming request

ISMP requests can be either POST or GET, similar to HTTP. A POST request indicates an intention to execute a transaction on the counterpart blockchain and carries an opaque payload intended for the destination ISMP module on the counterpart state machine. Conversely, a GET request aims to retrieve the values for the provided keys from the storage of a counterpart blockchain. Unlike a POST request, which must be delivered to the counterpart for processing, a GET request can be processed offchain by any interested party. Requests can also time-out.

/// The ISMP POST request.
pub struct Post {
    /// The source state machine of this request.
    pub source: StateMachine,
    /// The destination state machine of this request.
    pub dest: StateMachine,
    /// The nonce of this request on the source chain
    pub nonce: u64,
    /// Module identifier of the sending module
    pub from: Vec<u8>,
    /// Module identifier of the receiving module
    pub to: Vec<u8>,
    /// Unix timestamp by which this request expires in seconds.
    pub timeout_timestamp: u64,
    /// Encoded Request.
    pub data: Vec<u8>,
/// The ISMP GET request.
pub struct Get {
    /// The source state machine of this request.
    pub source: StateMachine,
    /// The destination state machine of this request.
    pub dest: StateMachine,
    /// The nonce of this request on the source chain
    pub nonce: u64,
    /// Module Id of the sending module
    pub from: Vec<u8>,
    /// Raw Storage keys that would be used to fetch the values from the counterparty
    /// For deriving storage keys for ink contract fields follow the guide in the link below
    /// The algorithms for calculating raw storage keys for different substrate pallet storage
    /// types are described in the following links
    /// For fetching keys from EVM contracts each key should be 52 bytes
    /// This should be a concatenation of contract address and slot hash
    pub keys: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
    /// Height at which to read the state machine.
    pub height: u64,
    /// Unix timestamp by which this request expires in seconds.
    pub timeout_timestamp: u64,
}/// The ISMP request.
pub enum Request {
    /// A post request allows a module on a state machine to send arbitrary bytes to another module
    /// living in another state machine.
    /// A get request allows a module on a state machine to read the storage of another module
    /// living in another state machine.


The ISMP framework exposes a handler that allows relayers submit new requests, alongside the necessary state proofs required for verification so that they may be executed by IsmpModuless


/// The ISMP POST request.
pub struct Post {
    /// The source state machine of this request.
    pub source: StateMachine,
    /// The destination state machine of this request.
    pub dest: StateMachine,
    /// The nonce of this request on the source chain
    pub nonce: u64,
    /// Module Id of the sending module
    pub from: Vec<u8>,
    /// Module ID of the receiving module
    pub to: Vec<u8>,
    /// Unix timestamp which this request expires in seconds.
    pub timeout_timestamp: u64,
    /// Serialized request body.
    pub data: Vec<u8>,
/// A request message holds a batch of incoming requests and their proofs.
pub struct RequestMessage {
    /// POST requests from a source chain
    pub requests: Vec<Post>,
    /// Membership batch proof for these requests
    pub proof: Proof,
/// Handles incoming POST requests and dispatches them to the appropriate modules
pub fn handle_post_requests<H>(host: &H, msg: RequestMessage) -> Result<(), Error>
    H: IsmpHost,
  // .. implementation details

The handle_post_requests is used to notify onchain IsmpModules of new requests to be processed. A relayer will construct the RequestMessage which holds a batch of new Post requests, as well as a multi-proof[1]^{[1]} of their existence on the source chain. The handler will perform the following operations

  • Assert that the state machine's consensus client is not frozen
  • Assert that the configured challenge_period for the StateCommitment has elapsed
  • Assert that the requests have not been previously processed
  • Assert that the requests have not timed out
  • Assert that the membership proof for the requests verify
  • Finally dispatch the requests to the relevant IsmpModule::on_accept and store a receipt for each request to prevent requests from being replayed.


[1]^{[1]} Merkle Multi Proofs, Polytope Labs Research