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Pallet ISMP

This is the implementation of ISMP for substrate chains. It is the foundational component that allows communication over ISMP. It correctly composes the various ISMP components in the runtime.

Pallet Config

The Pallet has the following Config trait

pub trait Config: frame_system::Config {
	/// The overarching event type.
	type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeEvent>;
	/// Admin origin for privileged actions such as adding new consensus clients as well as
	/// modifying existing consensus clients (eg. challenge period, unbonding period)
	type AdminOrigin: EnsureOrigin<Self::RuntimeOrigin>;
	/// Timestamp interface [`UnixTime`] for querying the current timestamp. This is used within
	/// the various ISMP sub-protocols.
	type TimestampProvider: UnixTime;
	/// The balance of an account.
	type Balance: Parameter
		+ Member
		+ AtLeast32BitUnsigned
		+ Codec
		+ Default
		+ Copy
		+ MaybeSerializeDeserialize
		+ Debug
		+ MaxEncodedLen
		+ TypeInfo
		+ FixedPointOperand;
	/// The currency that is offered to relayers as payment for request delivery
	/// and execution. This should ideally be a stablecoin of some kind to guarantee
	/// predictable and stable revenue for relayers.
	/// This can also be used with pallet-assets through the
	/// [ItemOf](frame_support::traits::tokens::fungible::ItemOf) implementation
	type Currency: Mutate<Self::AccountId, Balance = Self::Balance>;
	/// The state machine identifier for the host chain. This is the identifier that will be
	/// used to accept requests that are addressed to this state machine. Remote chains
	/// will also use this identifier to accept requests originating from this state
	/// machine.
	type HostStateMachine: Get<StateMachine>;
	/// The coprocessor is a state machine which proxies requests on our behalf. The coprocessor
	/// does this by performing the costly consensus and state proof verification needed to
	/// verify requests/responses that are addressed to this host state machine.
	/// The ISMP framework permits the coprocessor to aggregate messages from potentially
	/// multiple state machines. Finally producing much cheaper proofs of consensus and state
	/// needed to verify the legitimacy of the messages.
	type Coprocessor: Get<Option<StateMachine>>;
	/// [`IsmpRouter`] implementation for routing requests & responses to their appropriate
	/// modules.
	type Router: IsmpRouter + Default;
	/// This should provide a list of [`ConsenusClient`](ismp::consensus::ConsensusClient)s
	/// which should be used to validate incoming requests or responses. There should be
	/// at least one consensus client present to allow messages be processed by the ISMP
	/// subsystems.
	type ConsensusClients: ConsensusClientProvider;
	/// This implementation should provide the weight consumed by `IsmpModule` callbacks from
	/// their benchmarks.
	type WeightProvider: WeightProvider;
	/// Merkle mountain range overlay tree implementation. Outgoing requests and responses are
	/// inserted in this "overlay tree" to enable cheap proofs for messages.
	/// State machines that do not need this can simply use the `NoOpMmrTree`
	type Mmr: MerkleMountainRangeTree<Leaf = Leaf>;


The pallet-ismp implements the neccessary interfaces for the ISMP framework. These are:

  • IsmpHost: Pallet ISMP implements IsmpHost interface providing all the storage and cryptographic requirements for the ISMP handlers. Modules that need to interact with the low-level ISMP framework can use this interface to access the necessary storage items they wish to read.
  • IsmpDispatcher: It implements IsmpDispatcher allowing it to dispatch requests and responses. This is the low-level ISMP framework dispatcher. It can be used to dispatch requests that are not addressed to Hyperbridge and perhaps meant for other state machines. Dispatching requests to be Hyperbridge should be done throught the pallet-hyperbridge module. Which also implements the IsmpDispatcher interface but collects the necessary fees.


  • create_consensus_client This is a priviledged call used to initialize the consensus state of a consensus client. Consensus clients must to be initialized with a trusted state, so this call must only be called by a trusted party.

  • update_consensus_state This is a priviledged call used to update the unbonding period or challenge_period for a consensus client. It must only be called by a trusted parties to prevent consensus exploits.

  • handle_unsigned Execute the provided batch of ISMP messages, this will short-circuit and revert if any of the provided messages are invalid. This is an unsigned extrinsic that permits anyone execute ISMP messages for free, provided they have valid proofs and the messages havenot been previously processed. The dispatch origin for this call must be an unsigned one. Emits different message events based on the Message received if successful. Only available when the pallet is built with the unsigned feature flag.

  • handle Execute the provided batch of ISMP messages. This call will short-circuit and revert if any of the provided messages are invalid. The dispatch origin for this call must be a signed one. Emits different message events based on the Message received if successful. Only available when the unsigned feature flag is disabled.

  • fund_message During periods of high transaction fees on the destination chain, you can increase the relayer fee for in-flight requests and responses to incentivize their delivery. Simply call this function with the request/response commitment and the desired fee increase amount. Should not be called on a message that has been completed (delivered or timed-out) as those funds will be lost forever.

Transaction fees

Hyperbridge offers a cost-effective approach to delivering ISMP messages:

  • No Fees for Valid Messages: Hyperbridge itself doesn't charge any transaction fees for delivering valid ISMP messages to the chain. This reduces the overall cost burden for users.

  • Fees Paid on Source Chain: Protocol fees are collected on the source chain (where the message originates) before it's submitted. This upfront payment system ensures that every delivered message has been "paid for" before valid proofs can be generated.

Malformed messages or those with invalid proofs are filtered out by the transaction pool validation logic preventing unnecessary processing and potential network congestion.

On parachains and solochains integrating ISMP transaction fees will be collected as the handle_unsigned extrinsic is disabled by default.

Runtime Integration

Including pallet-ismp in a substrate runtime requires implementing the pallet config.

parameter_types! {
    // The hyperbridge parachain on Polkadot
    pub const Coprocessor: Option<StateMachine> = Some(StateMachine::Polkadot(3367));
    // The host state machine of this pallet
    pub const HostStateMachine: StateMachine = StateMachine::Polkadot(1000); // your paraId here
impl pallet_ismp::Config for Runtime {
    // configure the runtime event
    type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
    // Permissioned origin who can create or update consensus clients
    type AdminOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
    // The state machine identifier for this state machine
    type HostStateMachine = HostStateMachine;
    // The pallet_timestamp pallet
    type TimestampProvider = Timestamp;
    // The currency implementation that is offered to relayers
    type Currency = Balances;
    // The balance type for the currency implementation
    type Balance = Balance;
    // Router implementation for routing requests/responses to their respective modules
    type Router = Router;
    // Optional coprocessor for incoming requests/responses
    type Coprocessor = Coprocessor;
    // Supported consensus clients
    type ConsensusClients = (
        // as an example, the parachain consensus client
        ismp_parachain::ParachainConsensusClient<Runtime, IsmpParachain>,
    // Optional merkle mountain range overlay tree, for cheaper outgoing request proofs.
    // You most likely don't need it, just use the `NoOpMmrTree`
    type Mmr = NoOpMmrTree<Runtime>;
    // Weight provider for local modules
    type WeightProvider = ();
construct_runtime! {
    // ...
    Ismp: pallet_ismp


Let's go through some of the ISMP specific components of the configuration.

  • HostStateMachine This is the state machine identifier for your chain, it will be used as the source value for all requests that are dispatched from this chain For parachains, this should be your parachain id e.g StateMachine::Polkadot(1000).

  • Coprocessor ISMP is built around the idea of a coprocessor that aggregates consensus and state proofs from multiple state machines into a more succinct proof that is cheaply verifiable. This component defines the state machine identifier of the supported coprocessor, Hyperbridge is a coprocessor for ISMP.

  • ConsensusClients This is a tuple of types that implement the ConsensusClient interface, it defines all the consensus algorithms supported by this deployment of the protocol.

  • Mmr This type allows us to use mmr tree as an overlay for cheaper proofs for requests and responses instead of the merkle patricia trie proofs.

  • Router The router is a type that provides an IsmpModule implementation for a module id.

struct Router;
impl IsmpRouter for Router {
    fn module_for_id(&self, id: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Box<dyn IsmpModule>, Error> {
        let module = match id.as_slice() {
           YOUR_MODULE_ID => Box::new(YourModule::default()),
           // ... other modules
            _ => Err(Error::ModuleNotFound(id))?
/// Some custom module capable of processing some incoming/request or response.
/// This could also be a pallet itself.
struct YourModule;
impl IsmpModule for YourModule {
    /// Called by the ISMP hanlder, to notify module of a new POST request
    /// the module may choose to respond immediately, or in a later block
    fn on_accept(&self, request: Post) -> Result<(), Error> {
        // do something useful with the request
    /// Called by the ISMP hanlder, to notify module of a response to a previously
    /// sent out request
    fn on_response(&self, response: Response) -> Result<(), Error> {
         // do something useful with the response
     /// Called by the ISMP hanlder, to notify module of requests that were previously
     /// sent but have now timed-out
 	fn on_timeout(&self, request: Timeout) -> Result<(), Error> {
        // revert any state changes that were made prior to dispatching the request

WeightProvider: This type allows providing the static benchmarks for all ismp modules, it should identify modules by their id and return the weights for each IsmpModule callback

struct YourModuleBenchmarks;
impl pallet_ismp::weights::IsmpModuleWeight for YourModuleBenchmarks {
    /// Should return the weight used in processing this request
	   fn on_accept(&self, request: &Post) -> Weight {
        todo!("Return benchmark weight")
	   /// Should return the weight used in processing this timeout
	   fn on_timeout(&self, request: &Timeout) -> Weight {
        todo!("Return benchmark weight")
	   /// Should return the weight used in processing this response
	   fn on_response(&self, response: &Response) -> Weight {
        todo!("Return benchmark weight")
struct ModuleWeightProvider
impl pallet_ismp::WeightProvider for ModuleWeightProvider {
	fn module_callback(dest_module: ModuleId) -> Option<Box<dyn IsmpModuleWeight>> {
		match dest_module.to_bytes().as_slice() {
            YOUR_MODULE_ID => {
            // ... other modules
            _ => None

Runtime API

pallet-ismp-runtime-api provides methods that allow the rpc client read the runtime state, this methods include querying requests and responses, generating proofs, among others. The runtime api can be easily added to the runtime as follows:

impl pallet_ismp_runtime_api::IsmpRuntimeApi<Block, <Block as BlockT>::Hash> for Runtime {
		fn host_state_machine() -> StateMachine {
			<Runtime as pallet_ismp::Config>::HostStateMachine::get()
		fn challenge_period(state_machine_id: StateMachineId) -> Option<u64> {
		/// Generate a proof for the provided leaf indices
		fn generate_proof(
			keys: ProofKeys
		) -> Result<(Vec<Leaf>, Proof<<Block as BlockT>::Hash>), sp_mmr_primitives::Error> {
		/// Fetch all ISMP events in the block, should only be called from runtime-api.
		fn block_events() -> Vec<::ismp::events::Event> {
		/// Fetch all ISMP events and their extrinsic metadata, should only be called from runtime-api.
		fn block_events_with_metadata() -> Vec<(::ismp::events::Event, Option<u32>)> {
		/// Return the scale encoded consensus state
		fn consensus_state(id: ConsensusClientId) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
		/// Return the timestamp this client was last updated in seconds
		fn state_machine_update_time(height: StateMachineHeight) -> Option<u64> {
		/// Return the latest height of the state machine
		fn latest_state_machine_height(id: StateMachineId) -> Option<u64> {
		/// Get actual requests
		fn requests(commitments: Vec<H256>) -> Vec<Request> {
		/// Get actual requests
		fn responses(commitments: Vec<H256>) -> Vec<Response> {

While ISMP can be used independently, connecting to hyperbridge provides access to all its connected chains. In the next sections we'll look into how you can integrate with hyperbridge as a parachain or solochain.
